Health Records Inquiries
Health Information Management is the department that oversees the collection, storage, retention and access of patient information. The Release of Information (ROI) Department is responsible for the release of patient information.
What is a patient health record?
All information collected by the hospital pertaining to your care and treatment during your visit to SickKids. This includes both personal information (i.e. name, date of birth, address) and Personal Health Information (i.e. Health card number, test results, medical history etc.). Health records are the property of the hospital.
How we protect the privacy of your information
SickKids has several policies based on relevant laws to ensure the privacy, confidentiality and security of patient information.
Contact us
ROI-Health Information Management
Email: releaseofinformation.requests@sickkids.ca
Phone: 416-813-7575
Fax: 416-813-5802
555 University Avenue
Room S203
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 1X8
Hours of operation: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays)
Access to your own health record
The Personal Health Information Act (PHIPA) governs the collection, use, access, and disclosure of Personal Health Information in Ontario. This Act gives patients a right to access, disclose and correct their personal information.
MyChart is a secure, online patient portal that provides patients and authorized family members and caregivers access to parts of their SickKids’ electronic health record, anywhere, at any time. Request a MyChart account if you are looking for appointment information, medications, labs results, diagnostic images reports, after visit summaries and other letters since June 2018.
If the records you are looking for are not in MyChart, or you are not eligible for a MyChart account, you must submit a written request to Health Information Management. Records typically not included in MyChart are: clinic notes, letters, operative notes, audiology reports or other test results.
Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), we are currently unable to facilitate requests to view patient charts in person. Once we have received governmental and hospital approval to resume regular service, you may request to view your chart.
Disclosure of your health information
PHIPA allows health care providers to access and share personal health information for ongoing patient care.
There is no fee for records sent directly to physicians within the circle of care. Health-care providers can access your health record one of three ways:
- Health-care providers can access your health record via eCHN (Electronic Child Health Network). This online portal gives pre-authorized health-care providers, within the circle of care, access to the paediatric medical WebChart. For more information please visit eCHN.
- Health-care providers can submit a written request signed by the patient or submit a request written on their letterhead documenting what is required for the ongoing care of the patient.
- The patient can request copies of their health record to be sent to a health-care provider by submitting a written request to Health Information Management.
Please submit a written request to Health Information Management. A completed original consent is required before your health record can be released.
There is a fee associated with this service. Please refer to the administrative fees.
Please submit a written request to Health Information Management.
Administrative fees may apply.
Please submit a written request to Health Information Management. Administrative fees may apply.
If you believe that your health record contains inaccurate information or is incomplete, it is your right, under the Ontario’s Health Privacy law – The Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) to request corrections to your health record.
To submit a request, please complete the Request/Authorization for Access to/Disclosure of Personal Health Information form. To avoid delays ensure the consent form is complete, dated and signed. Please note: In accordance with the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA), Health Information Management will process your request within 30 days. If the request is urgent please specify on the consent form.
Download Request/Authorization for Access to/Disclosure of PHI Form
The consent must be signed by the patient if they are 12 years of age or older. Parental consent is accepted if the patient is less than 12 years of age or is incapable of consenting. If there is a conflict between the child and the parent, the capable child’s decision prevails with respect to consent.
A copy of government-issued I.D. is to be provided in the following scenarios for validation:
- with parent/patient requests
- with authorizations having an e-signature
Health Information Management may follow up and ask for other forms of validation.
Consent is valid for 12 months and pertains only to what has been authorized for disclosure on or prior to the signature date.
Patients may withdraw their consent at any time. Please notify Health Information Management in writing if you no longer consent to the disclosure of your Personal Health Information.
We require the following to be included as part of the authorization:
- Direct the authorization to The Hospital for Sick Children
- An authorization must be fully completed, dated, signed and accompanied by a copy of government issued-ID
- Must include a name, complete address and phone number of the person or facility the information is being sent to
- Patient’s name at time of admission i.e.(maiden name), date of birth and reason for your request
- Medical Record Number (MRN). If this is unknown, leave blank
- Health Card Number (HCN). If this is unknown, leave blank
- Consent must be signed on/after the treatment date.
Completed consent forms can be submitted by:
Email: releaseofinformation.requests@sickkids.ca
Mail: Release of Information, Health Information Management, The Hospital for Sick Children, Room S203, 555 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5X 1G8
Fax: 416-813-5802
Specified Reports
For example; a discharge summary, operative reports, clinic note, lab reports, EEG report, MRI report, visit history (dates of visits) or other specific documentation.
Summary of Record (Sent to health-care providers for ongoing care)
Includes discharge summaries, clinic notes, consults, operative reports, MRI and CT scan reports, major test results, and other specified test results.
Complete health record
A copy of all SickKids reports in the health record.
Diagnostic Images on CD
Health Information Management provides diagnostic imaging reports only. If you require diagnostic images on CD, please fax a completed Request/Authorization for Access to/Disclosure of Personal Health Information form [link to Request-Authorization-Access-Disclosure-PHI PDF] to the Diagnostic Imaging Department [link to Diagnostic Imaging] directly.
Administrative fees
There is an administrative fee for copies of your records based on a current fee schedule. If you submit a request, you will be sent a prepayment invoice once we have determined the total cost. Requests will not be processed until prepayment is received.
There is no fee to release patient information directly to other health-care providers for the purposes of continuity of care.
A $30 processing fee will apply. This includes 20 pages of the requested record. Additional charges will apply for information exceeding 20 pages.
- Hard copy: $0.25 per page
- Micro film & fiche: $0.50 per page
A $160 processing fee is required, which includes the first 20 pages. An additional charge of $1 per page applies for pages exceeding 20.
Administrative fees may apply. Please contact Health Information Management for further details.
A $50 processing fee is required, which includes the first 20 pages. An additional charge of $0.50 per page applies for pages exceeding 20.
For the complete fee schedule please see the SickKids Release of Information (ROI) Fee Schedule.
Frequently asked questions
To protect your privacy, we do not release Personal Health Information via email or over the phone. If you are a current patient with a MyChart account, you can receive documents securely through your online account.
Health Information Management provides diagnostic imaging reports only. If you require diagnostic images (MRI, CT scans, Ultrasound) on CD, please submit a completed Request/Authorization for Access to/Disclosure of Personal Health Information form.
Submit your form by email (filmlibrary.staff@sickkids.ca) or fax to 416-813-6043. Phone inquiries can be made to 416-813-7511.
No. Upon discharge, a copy of the discharge summary is given to the patient/parent to provide to the family physician/paediatrician. Your physician can also access this information via eCHN (Electronic Child Health Network) if they practice in Ontario or submit a written request to Health Information Management.
Yes. Clinic notes are sent to the referring physician/family physician when contact information is on file (check at time of registration). Your physician can also access this information via eCHN if they practice in Ontario or submit a written request to Health Information Management.
No. Your physician can access this information via eCHN if they practice in Ontario or submit a written request to Health Information Management..
Please note: outside-ordered labs or diagnostic imaging results are sent directly to the ordering physician. These results can only be obtained from the ordering physician and not Health Information Management.
Please submit a written request to Health Information Management. An original consent is required before your Health Record can be released to lawyers or Insurance companies. There is a fee associated with this service.
In accordance with the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA), Health Information Management will process your request within 30 days. If your request is urgent please specify on the consent form.
Fees apply. Please refer to the section on administrative fees for more information.
Legal authorization is required to access your child’s Health Record. Please submit a written request to Health Information Management.
If the child is not capable of signing the consent, the legal guardian or a substitute decision maker must submit a written request to Health Information Management. Proof of incapability or guardianship status may be required.
Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), we are currently unable to facilitate requests to view patient charts in person. Once we have received governmental and hospital approval to resume regular service, you may request to view your chart.
Submit a request in writing to Health Information Management. Please refer to the section on corrections to your health record for details.
Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), please avoid coming to SickKids if your visit is not essential. Please note that visitor restrictions are currently in effect. Written requests may be submitted by email, fax or mail.
Please refer to the written request section for more information.
Patients may withdraw their consent at any time. Please notify Health Information Management in writing if you no longer consent to the disclosure of your Personal Health Information.
Please submit a written request to Health Information Management. Proof of your legal signing authority is required.
To find out if SickKids has your health record, please submit a written request to Health Information Management. Please note past records of patients born 1963 and prior are no longer available.