Parking Discount Feedback Form

Share feedback on H Pass discount passes
If you have questions or suggestions about H Pass discount passes, please fill out the form below. For any other customer-related questions or comments on parking (e.g. permits and daily rates for staff, automated pay kiosks), please do not fill out this form; contact the Parking Office at or 416-813-8115.
Staff parking information
Using MyPortal, please sign on to access MySickKids and browse the Parking website. Find detailed information about monthly and daily parking options, registration and more for SickKids staff.
Thank you.
SickKids understands parking costs are an additional financial burden for families with a child undergoing care at the hospital, particularly patients requiring extended in-patient stays or frequent clinic visits. SickKids offers multi-use passes (H Pass) that offers a 50 per cent discount off the regular daily rate to parents of patients and their frequent visitors.
As always, we appreciate your feedback. Any comments or suggestions you’d like to share can be emailed directly or submitted anonymously through the following feedback form.