Maitreya (Trey) Coffey
Hospital Positions
Staff Paediatrician
Division of Paediatric Medicine
U of T positions
Associate Professor
Department of Paediatrics
Core Faculty
U of T Centre for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
After graduating from the University of Chicago, Dr. Trey Coffey was inspired to pursue quality and safety during her residency at Seattle Children’s Hospital. She brought this passion to The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in 2005, where Trey has practiced as a hospitalist and led Quality and Safety efforts.
Coffey completed the U of T Certificate in Quality and Safety in 2009, and from 2012 to 2016, she served as Associate Director of the University of Toronto Centre for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety. In 2012, she assumed the role of Medical Safety Officer for SickKids, where she leads the Caring Safely initiative.
Currently, Coffey is the Associate Clinical Director of Solutions for Patient Safety, a network with 140+ hospital members across the US and Canada.
Trey has led research on topics including medication reconciliation, disclosure of adverse events, epidemiology of adverse events, and teamwork and communication.
She was a co-author on the landmark 2012 Canadian Paediatric Adverse Events Study and 2014 I-PASS Handoff study. Currently, Trey is collaborating on research around QI education, and leading research to evaluate the impact of large-scale QI networks on safety, as well as implementation of high reliability practices in healthcare.
Education and experience
- 2008: Certificate. Patient Safety and Quality Improvement, University of Toronto
- 2006–Present: Fellow, FRCP(C). Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada No. 644071
- 2006–Present: Fellow, FAAP. American Academy of Pediatrics, No. 969175
- 2005–Present: Licentiate. College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, No. 83764
- 2004: Diplomate. American Board of Pediatrics, No. 80507
- 2004–2005: Chief Resident, Pediatrics, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, USA.
- 2001–2004: Paediatrics Resident, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.
- 2001: MD, University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, Chicago, IL
- 1997: B.Sc., Biology. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
- 2018: John M. Eisenberg Patient Safety and Quality Award. The Joint Commission, Pentagon City, Virginia, USA. Awarded to the Children’s Hospitals Solutions for Patient Safety. (Associate Clinical Director).
- 2018: Highest Honor at Society of Hospital Medicine’s Annual Meeting. “Best of Research & Innovations” plenary session. ‘Mentored Implementation of the I-PASS Handoff Program in Diverse Clinical Environments’ Awarded to the I-PASS Study Group (Mentor).
- 2017: John M. Eisenberg Patient Safety and Quality Award: Awarded to the I-PASS Study Group. The Joint Commission, Pentagon City, Virginia, USA. (Site Principal Investigator).
- 2015: Pediatric Hospital Medicine Quality and Safety Award: Awarded to the I-PASS Study Group. San Antonio, Texas, USA. (Site Principal Investigator).
- 2014: Top Articles in Medical Education, Awarded at Pediatric Hospital Medicine to Starmer, AJ and the I-PASS Study Group. (Site Principal Investigator).
- 2012: Honourable Mention, The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) readiness for reform (R4R) innovation challenge, AAMC Annual Meeting, The I-PASS study: A multi-site effort to standardize the handoff process for better handoffs and safer care. USA. (Site Principal Investigator).
- 2010: Honourable Mention: Top articles in pediatric hospital medicine for 2009. Awarded for "Prevalence and Clinical Significance of Medication Discrepancies at Pediatric Hospital Admission" at the Pediatric Hospital Medicine Annual Conference, USA. (Principal Investigator).
- 2013: Leading Practice, Accreditation Canada: "I-PASS: A bundled handoff intervention".
- 2009: Best Poster, Canadian Patient Safety Symposium, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. “Knowledge and attitudes of Residents regarding communication around medical errors: The importance of social context. Principal Investigator.
- 2019: President’s Award Winner. The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto.
- 2017: Outstanding Poster Award. Quality and Patient Safety Forum 2017, Toronto, Ontario. ‘Caring Safely: Comprehensive Implementation of High Reliability Practices to Reduce Patient and Employee Harm,’ Principal Author 2009 Patient Safety Champion, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto.
- Lyren, A; Coffey M, Shepherd M, Lashutka N, Muething S, and the SPS Leadership Group. We Will Not Compete on Safety: How Children’s Hospitals Have Come Together to Hasten Harm Reduction. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, Vol 44, Issue 7, July 2018. 377-388
- Khan A, Spector ND, Baird JD, Ashland M, Starmer AJ, Rosenbluth G, Garcia BM, Litterer KP, Rogers JE, Dalal AK, Lipsitz S, Yoon CS, Zigmont KR, Guiot A, O'Toole JK, Patel A, Bismilla Z, Coffey M, Langrish K, Blankenburg RL, Destino LA, Everhart JL, Good BP, Kocolas I, Srivastava R, Calaman S, Cray S, Kuzma N, Lewis K, Thompson ED, Hepps JH, Lopreiato JO, Yu CE, Haskell H, Kruvand E, Micalizzi DA, Alvarado-Little W, Dreyer BP, Yin HS, Subramony A, Patel SJ, Sectish TC, West DC, Landrigan CP. Patient safety after implementation of a coproduced family centered communication programme: multicenter before and after intervention study. BMJ 2018; 363:k4764 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.k4764 (Published 05 December 2018)
- Coffey M, Thomson K, Li SA, Bismilla Z, Starmer AJ, O’Toole JK, Blankenberg RL, Rosenbluth G, Cole FS, Yu CE, Hepps JH, Sectish TC, Spector ND, Srivastava R, Allen A, Mahant S, Landrigan CP: Resident Experiences with Implementation of the I-PASS Handoff Bundle. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. June 2017, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 313-320
- Khan A, Coffey M, Litterer K, Baird J, Furtak S, Garcia B, Ashland M, Calaman S, Kuzma N, O’Toole J, Patel A, Rosenbluth G, Destino L, Everhart J, Good B, Hepps J, Dalal A, Lipsitz S, Yoon C, Zigmont K, Srivastava R, Starmer A, Sectish T, Spector N, West DC, Landrigan C, the Patient and Family Centered I-PASS Study Group: Families as Partners in Hospital Error and Adverse Event Surveillance. JAMA Pediatr. 2017 Feb 27. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2016.4812.
- Starmer AJ, Spector ND, Srivastava R, West DC, Rosenbluth G, Allen AD, Noble EL, Tse LL, Dalal AK, Keohane CA, Lipsitz SR, Rothschild JM, Wien MF, Yoon CS, Zigmont KR, O'Toole JK, Wilson KM, Bismilla Z, Coffey M, Mahant S, Blankenburg RL, Destino LA, Everhart JL, Patel SJ, Bale JF, Spackman JB, Stevenson AT, Calaman S, Cole FS, Hepps JH, Lopreiato JO, Yu CE, Sectish TC, Landrigan CP, and the I-PASS Study Group: Changes in Medical Errors after Implementation of a Handoff Program. New England Journal of Medicine 2014: 371(19): pp 1803-12. [PMID:25372088].
See a full list of Trey Coffey's publications
2017–2019: Principle Investigator. High Reliability Organizing in Healthcare: Caring Safely at the Hospital for Sick Children. Physician Services Incorporated. Principal Investigator: Coffey M. $112,000 CAD. Funding: Competitive.
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