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Christine Hill

Title: Clinical Director, Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Radiology
Designations: MHM, MRT(T)
Pronouns: she/her
Phone: 416-813-6063, Ext. 406063
Alternate Contact Name: Juliana Xiao
Alternate Phone: 416-813-7654 X414232
Alternate Email:


Christine Hill joined The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in January 2023 as the Clinical Director for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology. She is an innovative healthcare leader with over 12 years of medical radiation technology leadership experience in complex, academic hospital environments. She is passionate about building health-care systems that drive improvement in patient & family centred care, quality & safety and health-care equity.

Hill began her career as a Medical Radiation Technologist at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto where she focused on radiation therapy delivery for cancer patients, including paediatric populations. Her passion for innovation and improvement of patient care led her to participate in education, research and quality improvement initiatives. She held progressive leadership roles at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre including Site Leader, Practice Leader, Manager of Strategic Operations and Interim Director of Radiation Therapy.

Hill joins SickKids with a passion for improving access to care in medical imaging and the patient & family experiences.


Hill's research interests have focused on the development of evidence-based patient education approaches to reduce anxiety, improve patient knowledge and preparedness to undergo radiation therapy treatment.

Hill and her research team conducted a randomized clinical trial that demonstrated improved knowledge about radiation therapy and increased preparedness to undergo treatment. This work informed the development and implementation of an evidence-based patient education program for radiation therapy patients at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre.

Education and experience

  • 2023–Present: Clinical Director, Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • 2020–2022: Interim Director Radiation Therapy, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • 2018–2022: Manager of Strategic Operations, Radiation Therapy Princess Margaret Cancer, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • 2017–2018: Radiation Therapy Practice Leader, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • 2014–2017: Master of Health Management, McMaster University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • 2008–2017: Medical Radiation Technologist & Site Leader, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • 2005–2008: Bachelor of Medical Radiation Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • 2001–2005: Honours Bachelor of Science, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada


  • 2021: UHN Local Impact Award- Tomorrow's Care Team Award, University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • 2021: JMRIS Top Paper Award, Journal of Medical Radiation & Imaging Sciences, Canada.
  • 2017: Award of Excellence, McMaster University, DeGroote School of Business & School of Rehabilitation, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
  • 2016: CAMRT Foundation Grant, Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
  • 2016: Collaborative Academic Practice Fellowship, University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • 2015: Nursing & Health Professionals Scholarship, University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • 2008: Excellence in Research Methods Award, University of Toronto and The Michener Institute for Education at UHN, Toronto, Ontario, Canada


  • 2017: A Radiation Therapist-led Educational Intervention for Patients Receiving Radiotherapy for Lung and Gastro-intestinal Cancer,Principal Investigator, Collaborative Academic Practice Research Internal Grant, University Health Network, $5000 CAD
  • 2016: A Radiation Therapist-led Educational Intervention for Patients Receiving Radiotherapy for Lung and Gastro-intestinal Cancer, Principal Investigator, OAMRS M.E. (Beth) Wastle Research Bursary, Ontario Association of Medical Radiation Sciences. $1741 CAD


  1. Magliozzi M, Cashell A, Ishmail N, Hill C, Velec M. Virtual Integration of Patient Education in Radiotherapy (VIPER). tipsRO 23; 46-57, 2022. Impact Factor [N/A]. Co-Author.
  2. Li W, Hill C, Cashell A, Hindle D, Feuz C. Rosewall T. Could Knowledge of Patient Demographics Facilitate a Personalized Approach to Radiation Therapy Patient Education? J Med Im Rad Sci 53(1); 41-50, 2022. Impact Factor [N/A]. Co-Author.
  3. Feuz C, Tse K, Kwan M, Hill C, Rakaric P, Tan K, Rosewall T. Implementing Workshops to Improve Radiation Therapists’ Knowledge & Attitudes about Sexual Health Issues in Cancer Patients. J Med Im Rad Sci 50(1); 98-105, 2019. Impact Factor [N/A] Co-Author.
  4. Li W, Appiah S, Hill C, Becker N, Catton C, Chung P, Shultz D, Ferguson P, O’Sullivan B, & Dickie C. Evidence-based region of interest matching guidelines for sarcoma image-guided radiation therapy. tipsRO 5: 3-8, 2018. Impact Factor [N/A] Co-Author.
  5. Purdie T, Dinniwell R, Letoureau D, Hill C, Sharpe M. (2011) Automated planning of tangential breast intensity-modulated radiotherapy using heuristic optimization. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 81(2): 575-583, 2011. Impact Factor [4.743] Co-Author.
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