Mika Laura Nonoyama
Research Positions
Project Investigator, Child Health and Evaluative Sciences
Dr. Mika Nonoyama has served as a staff respiratory therapist, and Project Investigator in the Child Health and Evaluative Sciences (CHES) program at SickKids since 2015. She has a PhD from the Rehabilitation Science Institute (RSI) at the University of Toronto and is currently an associate professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Ontario Tech University in Oshawa, Canada.
Nonoyama’s research focuses on respiratory therapy, specifically respiratory disease management across all age groups. Her research program aims to improve prevention, provide effective management, and supply alternative consistent models of service delivery for individuals living with respiratory-related diseases and disorders. To achieve this, she investigates innovative approaches to paediatric respiratory therapy, ways to optimize the quality of health care services for people using home long-term mechanical ventilation and examines different management strategies for individuals with chronic respiratory disease, including rehabilitation and exercise.
Education and experience
- 2011–2013: Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
- 2010: Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Cardiac Rehabilitation Research Team, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada
- 2009: Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Optimization of the Rehabilitation System Research Team, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada
- 2004–2008: PhD, Rehabilitation Sciences Institute, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
- 1994–1997: Diploma, Respiratory Therapy, The Michener Institute of Education at UHN, ON, Toronto, Canada
- 1990–1994: BSc, Physiology Specialist, Faculty of Arts & Science, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
- Zaccagnini M, Ataman R, Nonoyama ML. The Withdrawal Assessment Tool (WAT-1) to Identify Iatrogenic Withdrawal Symptoms in Critically Ill Pediatric Patients: A COSMIN Systematic Review of Measurement Properties (2021). Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 2021(27): 978-988. DOI: 10.1111/jep.13539
- Nonoyama ML, Katz SL, Amin R, McKim DA, Guerriere D, Coyte PC, Wasilewski M, Zagorski B, Rose L. (2020). Healthcare Utilization and Costs of Pediatric Home Mechanical Ventilation in Canada. Pediatric Pulmonology. 55(9): 2368-2379. DOI:10.1002/ppul.24923.
- Cunningham E, Weaver RR, Lemonde M, Dogra S, Nonoyama M (2020). Nordic Pole Walking for Individuals with Cancer: A Feasibility Study. Rehabil Oncol. 38(2): 81-91. DOI: 10.1097/01.REO.0000000000000204.
- Nonoyama ML, McKim DA, Road J, Guerriere D, Coyte PC, Wasilewski M, Avendano M, Katz SL, Amin R, Goldstein R, Zagorski B, Rose L (2018). Healthcare utilisation and costs of home mechanical ventilation. Thorax. 73(7):644-651; DOI: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2017-211138.
- Guyatt GH, Nonoyama M, Lacchetti C, Goeree R, McKim D, Heels-Ansdell D, Goldstein R (2005) A Randomized Trial of Strategies for Assessing Eligibility for Long-Term Domiciliary Oxygen Therapy. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 172(5):573-80. DOI: 10.1164/rccm.200412-1692OC.
- 2021–2022: The VIRTU-RT-ED Study, Principal Investigator, Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists (CSRT), $9,850.94 CAD
- 2020–2022: The Development of Multi-Course Case Studies for Faculty of Health Sciences Students, Co-Investigator, Ontario Tech University, $7,540 CAD
- 2019–2023: A Virtual Transition Intervention for Children and Adults Transitioning to Home Ventilation in Ontario: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial, Co-Applicant, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), $949,813 CAD
- 2019–2021: The Evaluation of the Connected Care program for Children with Medical Complexity: A Prospective Cohort Study with Embedded Health Economic and Qualitative Analysis, Co-Applicant, CIHR, $199,692 CAD
- 2018–2019: The Evaluation of the Connected Care program for Children with Medical Complexity: A Prospective Cohort Study with Embedded Health Economic and Qualitative Analysis, Co-Investigator, Network for Canadian Oral Health and Research (NCOHR), $20,000 CAD
- 2018–2019: A multi-centered stepped wedge cluster randomized controlled trial (RCT) of the de-adoption of oral chlorhexidine prophylaxis and implementation of an oral care bundle for ventilated critically ill patients (The CHORAL study), Co-Investigators, Canadian Lung Association, $20,000 CAD
- 2017–2021: A novel device to improve airway intubation safety by providing apneic oxygenation and on-demand suction through the endotracheal tube, principal investigator, The Hospital for Sick Children, $49,049 CAD
- 2017–2018: Community-Based Interprofessional Simulations to Support Experiential Learning in the Classroom and Continuing Education, Co-Investigator, Ontario Tech University, $7,932 CAD
- 2016–2017: Development & Pilot Evaluation of an Online Peer Support Program for Family Caregivers of Ventilator-Assisted Individuals with Neuromuscular Disease Living in the Community, Co-Investigator, Muscular Dystrophy Canada, $49,998 CAD
- 2016–2018: A Provincial Cough AssistTM Program: Educational & Support Needs and Influence on Health Service Utilization and Patient Outcomes, Co-Investigator, Post-Polio Health International, $147,000 CAD
- 2016–2017: Translating Recommendations for Airway Clearance from the Canadian Thoracic Society Home Mechanical Ventilation Guidelines (Phase 1), Co-Investigator, Muscular Dystrophy Canada, $49,505 CAD
- 2015–2016: Optimizing the quality of patient education designed to improve health outcomes for people with COPD: A scoping review, Co-Investigator, Canadian Lung Association, $19,928.80 CAD
- 2014–2015: Health Service Utilization for Assessment, Monitoring and Management of Respiratory Comfort for Individuals with Neuromuscular Disease, , Co-Investigator, Muscular Dystrophy Canada, $49,690 CAD
- 2014–2016: Home Long-Term Mechanical Ventilation in British Columbia: Healthcare Costs and Utilization, Principal Investigator, Canadian Lung Association, $26,748.17 CAD
- 2014–2016: Home Long-Term Mechanical Ventilation in British Columbia: Healthcare Costs and Utilization, Principal Investigator, The ALS Society of British Columbia, $7,600 CAD
- 2013–2014: The Development of a Tool to Assess Caregiver Knowledge and Skills Needed to Safely Care for Children Receiving Invasive Long-term Mechanical Ventilation at Home, Co-Investigator, The Hospital for Sick Children, $30,000 CAD
- 2012–2013: Long-term Outcomes and Needs Assessment in Survivors of Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation (≥21 days) and their caregivers: a sub study of Towards Recover Program of Research, Co-investigator, Toronto East General Hospital, $10,518 CAD
- 2012–2014: Pediatric Home Long-Term Mechanical Ventilation: Healthcare Costs and Utilization, Principal Investigator, Canadian Lung Association, $15,248.40 CAD
- 2012–2015: Pediatric Home Long-Term Mechanical Ventilation: Healthcare Costs and Utilization, Principal Investigators, Ontario Lung Association, $15,000 CAD
- 2012–2015: Healthcare Costs and Utilization of Long-Term Users of Mechanical Ventilation in the Home Principal Investigators, Ontario Lung Association, $49,326 CAD
- 2011–2014: Understanding Long-Term Mechanical Ventilation in Canada: A Programmatic Approach, Co-investigator, CIHR, $348,864 CAD
- 2011–2013: Non-invasive Ventilation and Airway Management (NIVAM) E-learning: Translating Knowledge into Practice, Co-investigator, The Ottawa Hospital, $99,793 CAD
- 2008–2009: Optimizing Respiratory Therapy Services: A Continuum of Care from Hospital to Community, Co-applicant, Health Force Ontario, $250,000 CAD
- 2008–2009: A Survey of Suctioning Practices among Physiotherapists, Nurses and Respiratory Therapists, Co-investigator, Ontario Lung Association and Ontario Respiratory Care Society, $12,867 CAD
- 2007–2008: Evidence-based Suctioning: A Systematic Review, Co-investigator, Ontario Lung Association and Ontario Respiratory Care Society, $4,332 CAD
- 2007–2008: Evidence-based Suctioning: A Systematic Review, Co-investigator, Ontario Lung Association and Ontario Respiratory Care Society, $4,000 CAD
- 2006–2007: Evidence-based Suctioning: A Systematic Review, Co-investigator, Physiotherapy Foundation of Canada, $5,000 CAD