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Olivier Villemain

Title: Staff Cardiologist, Division of Cardiology
Designations: MD, M.Sc., PhD
U of T Positions: Assistant Professor, Departments of Paediatrics and Medical Biophysics

Research Positions

Associate Scientist-Track Investigator
Translational Medicine


Olivier Villemain did his medical training and undertook specialist training in paediatrics and paediatric cardiology in Paris, France. He graduated from medical school at Paris Descartes University in 2014.

Afterwards, he became Assistant Professor in Paediatric Cardiology at Necker Enfants Malades Hospital in Paris for two years. In addition to his medical training, he studied cardiovascular physiology (M.Sc., Paris Descartes University, 2014) and acoustic physics. Between 2014 and 2017, he worked at the Langevin Institute in Paris, a laboratory specialized in acoustic physics. This resulted in a PhD thesis on the new applications of ultrasound in cardiology in 2017. He worked full-time again in this laboratory, between November 2018 and July 2019, as a collaborator.

In July 2019, he was appointed as a clinician investigator and staff cardiologist at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids).


The focus of Villemain’s research has been to apply new ultrasound technologies in paediatric cardiology. His two main translational topics are ultrafast ultrasound imaging and focused ultrasound therapy in cardiology.

Education and experience

  • 2009–2013: Residency, Paediatrics, Paediatrics Cardiology, Adult Cardiology, Descartes University, Paris V, France
  • 2013–2014: M.Sc., Cardiovascular Physiology, Denis Diderot, University, Paris VII, France
  • 2014: MD, Denis Diderot University, Paris VII, France
  • 2014–2017: PhD, Acoustic Physics Specialization, Paris, Descartes University, Paris V, France


  • 2016: Highscorer Abstract, EuroEcho, Towards non-invasive assessment of central venous pressure using real time and quantitative liver stiffness estimation, Paris, France.
  • 2016: Highlights Abstract, EuroEcho Imaging, Myocardial stiffness assessment using shear wave imaging in healthy children and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Paris, France.
  • 2015: Young Investigator Award, EuroEcho Imaging, Pulsed cavitational ultrasound for non-invasive chordal cutting guided by real-time 3D echocardiography, Paris, France.
  • 2015: Best Rapid Presentation, Pulsed cavitational ultrasound for non-invasive chordal cutting guided by real-time 3D echocardiography, Paris, France.

Grant reviews

  • 2019: Panel Member and Invited Reviewer. CIHR Doctoral Research Award adjudication.
  • 2019: Panel Member and Invited Reviewer. Labatt Family Heart Centre Innovation Fund Selection Committee, Labatt Family Heart Centre, The Hospital for Sick Children

Manuscript reviews

  • 2020–Present: Theranostics
  • 2020–Present: Expert Collection – Expert Review of Medical Devices
  • 2019–Present: Scientific Report
  • 2019–Present: Journal of American College of Cardiology: Cardiovascular Imaging
  • 2018–Present: Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging
  • 2018–Present: Plos One
  • 2018–Present: Annals of Biomedical Engineering 
  • 2017–Present: Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology
  • 2019–Present: International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging
  • 2018–Present: Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine


  1. VillemainOSitefane F, Pernot M, Malekzadeh-Milani S, Tanter M, Bonnet D, Boudjemline Y. Toward Noninvasive Assessment of CVP Variations Using Real-Time and Quantitative Liver Stiffness Estimation. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2017;10.
  2. MarescaD, Correia M, Villemain O, Bizé A, Sambin L, Tanter M, Ghaleh B, Pernot M. Noninvasive Imaging of the Coronary Vasculature Using Ultrafast Ultrasound. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2017.
  3. Villemain OCorreia M, Khraiche D, Podetti I, Meot M, Legendre A, Tanter M, Bonnet D, Pernot M. Myocardial Stiffness Assessment Using Shear Wave Imaging in Pediatric Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2017.
  4. VillemainOCorreia M, Mousseaux E, Baranger J, Zarka S, Podetti I, Soulat G, Damy T, Hagège A, Tanter M, Pernot M, Messas E. Myocardial stiffness evaluation using non-invasive shear wave imaging in healthy and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy adults. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2019. 
  5. VillemainOBaranger J, Friedberg M.K., Papadacci C, Messas E, Tanter, Mathieu Pernot, Luc Mertens. Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging in Pediatric and Adult Cardiology: Techniques, Applications and Perspectives. JACC Imaging. 2019.

Relevant pages

Villemain Lab

The Villemain Lab is exploring Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging, a new ultrasound imaging technique, with the hope of applying this technology to paediatric care.

Cardiovascular Ultrasound Lab

The CVUS lab offers a unique environment for cardiovascular imaging research. It develops and explores the clinical utility of newer echocardiographic techniques for the diagnosis and management of paediatric cardiovascular disease.

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Labatt Family Heart Centre

One of the top three heart centres in the world, innovating cardiac clinical care, research and education.

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