Ruud Verstegen
Clinician Investigator, Division of Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology and Division of Rheumatology
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U of T Positions:
Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatrics
Research Positions
Project Investigator
SickKids Research Institute
Dr. Verstegen is a paediatrician who is dually trained in Clinical Pharmacology and Paediatric Rheumatology. His clinical and research interests include precision medicine, adverse drug reactions, childhood arthritis, and the immune system in Down syndrome.
Education and experience
- 2007–2015: PhD student, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- 2010–2014: Paediatric Residency, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- 2013–2016: Postgraduate training in Clinical Pharmacology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- 2015–2017: Clinical Fellowship, Division of Rheumatology, SickKids, Toronto, Ontario
- 2017–2018: Paediatric Rheumatologist, Sheffield Children’s Hospital, Sheffield, United Kingdom
- 2018–2020: Clinical and Research Fellowships, Division of Clinical Pharmacology, SickKids, Toronto, Ontario
- Verstegen RHJ, Driessen GJ, Bartol SJW, van Noesel CJM, Boon L, van der Burg M, van Dongen JJM, de Vries E, van Zelm MC. Defective B-cell memory in patients with Down syndrome. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014;134(6):1346-1353.e9.
- Verstegen RHJ, Aui PM, Watson E, De Jong S, Bartol SJW, Bosco JJ, Cameron PU, Stirling RG, de Vries E, van Dongen JJM, van Zelm MC. Quantification of T-Cell and B-Cell Replication History in Aging, Immunodeficiency, and Newborn Screening. Front Immunol. 2019;10:2084.
- Verstegen RHJ, Ito S. The Future of Precision Medicine. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2019;106(5):903-906.
- Verstegen RHJ, McMillan R, Feldman BM, Ito S, Laxer RM. Towards therapeutic drug monitoring of TNF inhibitors for children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a scoping review. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2020;59(2):386-397.
- Verstegen, R.H., Kusters, M.A. Inborn Errors of Adaptive Immunity in Down Syndrome. J Clin Immunol. 2020.