Welcome to the new WAV PlayPark!
The new WAV PlayPark on Main Street is now open! This free service is for siblings of patients; children with clinic appointments at SickKids; and siblings of kids being treated in the emergency department at SickKids.
The new WAV PlayPark on Main Street is now open! This free service is for siblings of patients; children with clinic appointments at SickKids; and siblings of kids being treated in the emergency department at SickKids. Hours are Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from 11:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
"The space has been transformed and is dazzling," says Pam Stevens, President, The Women's Auxiliary of The Hospital for Sick Children. Scroll below for your own "tour."

Welcome to the new WAV PlayPark! A wall of windows opens onto Main Street. Clouds at the front door hint at the nature themes inside the bright and airy space.

A beach scene outside the accessible water-themed bathroom, located in the back right corner. The wall cabinets to the right house a dishwasher to sterilize toys. The closet to the left of the beach scene holds fun people-shaped hooks to hang up little coats.

The cave nook provides a cozy, quiet area. Kids can gaze at the starry night sky above and in the window overlooking Main Street; kids are invited to find the lone five-point star in the window constellation. The column is a map of Canada, complete with Canadian wildlife.

The art area is home to the "meadow," and is a space where kids can feel calm and let their creative juices flow. The wall to the left of the meadow, above, is magnetized to hang artwork easily. Notice the standing spot cut-out in the counter which allows access to the old favourite lookout spot through the glass blocks.

The dramatic play area provides an inclusive, accessible space for kids to express themselves in different ways, from playing with dolls to putting on their own plays. The window provides an easy sightline through to the computer area.

The computers offer many different applications for gaming.

The gaming area provides fun nook seating overlooking Main Street.

The general play area is full of toys with a lot of floor space to spread out. Removable cushions allow for comfy floor play.

The wall between the dramatic play area and the computer area (left) houses a play kitchen, complete with BBQ. The sliding closet doors at the back of the room are magnetic whiteboards to encourage writing on walls!