Eyal Cohen
Hospital Positions
Staff Physician
Division of Paediatric Medicine
Research Positions
Senior Scientist
Child Health Evaluative Sciences
U of T Positions
Professor, Department of Paediatrics
Professor and Full Graduate Faculty Member, Institute of Health Policy, Management & Evaluation
Co-Executive Director, Edwin S.H. Leong Centre for Healthy Children
Dr. Eyal Cohen received academic training at the University of Toronto (medicine) and McMaster University (health research methodology), and clinical training at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) and the Children’s Hospital at Westmead in Sydney, Australia. Dr. Cohen co-founded the Complex Care Program with his colleagues in the Division of Paediatric Medicine at SickKids. He is currently the Program Head of Child Health Evaluative Sciences at SickKids Research Institute and Co-Executive Director of the Edwin S.H. Leong Centre for Healthy Children.
Dr. Cohen is a Professor of Paediatrics and Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto. He is also a Scientist with the CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research at McMaster University and an adjunct scientist at ICES. Dr. Cohen serves in a number of advisory roles for the Provincial Council of Maternal and Child Health, BORN Ontario, and the Ontario Public Drug Program.
Dr. Cohen is an applied child health services and policy researcher. His program of research focuses on improving outcomes for children with medical complexity (CMC) and their families. This includes defining who CMC are and how to best understand their needs. Cohen's team is developing, evaluating and disseminating a number of evidence-based interventions aimed at improving health outcomes of CMC, providing caregiving supports for families, and mitigating unnecessary healthcare expenditures. Cohen has also developed secondary, related research foci on paediatric hospital medicine and quality of child health practice and research.
Education and experience
- 2015–2016: Visiting Scholar, Center for Policy, Outcomes and Prevention and Clinical Excellence Research Center, Stanford University, CA, USA
- 2005–2007: M.Sc., Health Research Methodology, Department of Health Research Methodology, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada.
- 2004–2005: Advanced Trainee, Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Westmead, NSW, Australia
- 2003–2004: Co-Chief Pediatric Resident, Sickkids
- 2000–2003: Paediatric Resident, SickKids
- 1996–2000: Doctor of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.
- 1992–1996: B.Sc., Biology, Department of Science, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada.
- 2018: President’s Award, Complex Care Team. Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON.
- 2018: Physician Researcher Award for Scientific Accomplishment. Department of Pediatrics, University of Toronto, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON.
- 2015–2016: Canadian Harkness/CFHI Fellow in Health Care Policy & Practice, The Commonwealth Fund and The Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement, USA.
- 2014: Visiting Innovator Award, Center for Child Health Policy, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA.
- 2014: Junior Faculty Award for Clinical Excellence in Paediatric Medical Care. Department of Paediatrics, University of Toronto, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON.
- 2008: Harry Bain Award for Excellence in Clinical Teaching. Department of Paediatrics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.
- 2004: Ondaatje Award for Resident Teaching. The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.
See a full list of Eyal Cohen's publications
Please note: Some errors may exist as publication lists are auto-populated.
Principal Investigator/Co-Principal Investigator
2022-2025: Principal Investigator. Cardiometabolic Health of Mothers with a Sick Child. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Project Grant. Principal Investigators: Cohen E, Ray J. Co-Investigators: Brown H, Fuller A, Grandi S, Horváth-Puhó E, Sørensen HT.
2015-2024: Principal Investigator. Health Outcomes of Children with Medical Complexity and their Caregivers. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Foundation Scheme Programmatic Grants. Principal Investigator: Cohen E. Co-Investigators: Berry J, Brehaut J, Guttmann A, Lim A, Mahant S, Major-Cook N, McNeil D, Morinis J, Nicholas D, Offringa M, Peebles E, Ray J, Rosenbaum P, Stremler R, Stromquist L, To T, Vigod S, Williams L, Wodchis W.
2022-2024: Principal Investigator. Understanding changes in acute care and mortality patterns among children with youth and medical complexity (CMC) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Operating Grant – Addressing the Wider Health Impacts of COVID-19. Principal Investigators: Cohen E, Nelson K, Robeson P. Co-Investigators: Aoyama K, Belza C, Buchanan F, Dewan T, Diaz S, Guttmann A, Mahant S, Martens R, Moore Hepburn C, Pullenayegum E, Saunders N.
2022-2024: Principal Investigator. Implications of changes to pediatric primary healthcare delivery resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and the role of virtual care. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Operating Grant – Addressing the Wider Health Impacts of COVID-19. Principal Investigators: Saunders NR, Cohen E, Guttmann A. Co-Investigators: Evans A, Hamovitch E, Janus M, Kaplan D, Moore Hepburn C, Muggah E, Rayner J, Stukel T.
2022-2024: Principal Investigator. Cardiometabolic Health of Mothers with a Sick Child. University of Toronto, Data Sciences Institute (DSI). Nominated Principal Investigator: Cohen E. Co-Principal Investigator: Grandi S.
2021-2023: Co-Principal Investigator. Caring for the Caregiver (C4C): A Pilot Study of an Integrated Psychiatric Support Model for Caregivers of Children with Medical Complexity. Centre for Brain & Mental Health (C-BMH) Feiga Bresver Catalyst Grant (Health Outcomes Award). Principal Investigator: Orkin J. Co-Principal Investigators: Wright E, Vigod S, Cohen E.
2021-2022: Principal Investigator. Understanding Changes in Hospitalization and Mortality Patterns Among Children and Youth with Medical Complexity (CMC) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Norman Saunders Complex Care Initiative National Grant Competition, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada. Principal Investigators: Cohen E, Nelson K. Co-Investigators: Aoyama K, Buchanan F, Dewan T, Guttmann A, Mahant S, Pullenayegum E, Saunders N, Belza C. Principal Knowledge User: P. Robeson.
2021-2022: Principal Investigator. Clinical care of children with medical complexity and neurodisability. Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health, Program for Children with Special Health Care Needs. Nominated Principal Investigator: Cohen E. Principal Investigators: Diskin C, Agarwal R, Coleman C.
2022-2027: Co-Applicant. Empowering Next-generation Researchers in perinatal and Child Health (ENRICH). Canadian Institutes of Health Research Training Grant – Health Research Training Platform (HRTP) Pilot, Human Development, Child and Youth Health Pool. Nominated Principal Applicant: Samuel S. Principal Applicants: Andrade B, Archibald M, Benchimol E, Birken C, Chafe R, Chaillet N, Jans J, Keijzer K, King A, King M, Mandhane P, Poonai N, Regnault T, Salami B, Stinson J, Tersigni C, Thomson R, Walsh C, Wiart Prichard L, Zwicker J. Co-applicants: Ali S, Anthony S, Beal D, Jeanne Beaudoin A, Beggs M, Bell R, Benseler S, Berman J, Birnie K, Boerner K, Bourque S, Bright K, Brockway M, Brooks B, Campbell C, Cassidy C, Mary Cenat J, Cohen E, Cote S, Couture M, Davidge S, Decaluwe H, Denburg A, Dennis CL, Dimitropoulos G, Doan Q, Doria A, Fitzpatrick E, Flynn R, Fontela P, Froehlich Chow A, Galea L, Galloway T, Gill P, Guttmann A, Hampson C, Hatchette J, Hilario C, Hodgetts S, Jibb L, Jonathas Jean-Pierre J, Joyal JS, Kelly L, Keys E, Klassen T, Kozyrskyj A, Lacaze-Masmonteil T, Lavoie P, Lemaire M, Lepage JF, Letourneau N, MacDonald S, MacLeod A, Maeda N, Maguire J, Mahant S, Mailhot G, Marc I, McGavock J, Mitchell C, Mookherjee N, Morris M, Moussa A, Muckle G, Mullings DV, Nelson K, Nepomnaschy P, Noel M, Nuyt AM, Oberlander T, Oram Cardy J, Parker M, Pavlova M, Pei J, Pelaez S, Phoenix M, Rojas D, Ryan J, Samji H, Saunders N, Scott S, Stremler R, Tabori U, Thiessen K, Tomfohr-Madsen L, Toulany A, Tremblay Y, Tsang V, Tsimicalis A, Twilt M, Velez M, Ward L, Widger K, Wine E, Wintermark P, Wittmeier K, Wollny K, Young N, Zwicker J. Collaborators: Adamko D, Alexander T, Ani-Amponsa M, Arnold P, Asghar A, Barbazuk S, Beal M, Belanger R, Bogossian A, Bont L, Cidro J, Cockell K, Connelly R, Croker A, Crowshoe L, Dallaire F, Deal C, Delia Deckard N, Wasontiio Delormier T, Dorion D, Eddy A, Eskander M, Fairman K, Ferenbok J, Filipovic S, Gavin F, Ghali W, Goldstein B, Goodman B, Grahovac D, Gupta I, Hall J, Henderson R, Henry R, Irwin M, Jomaa D, Jones N, Jordan J, Leblanc A, MacFarlane A, Marlin S, Martin D, Matthews S, Metcalfe A, Michaud J, Miller A, Moore Hepburn C, Morrison K, Nitsch D, Permar S, Piedboeuf B, Pires L, Pittman Q, Renzaho A, Reynolds J, Robeson P, Robinson J, Robinson W, Schroth R, Shoveller J, Sibblis C, Snider L, Steele M, Stewart JP, Thorstad K, Waddell C, Wasserman W, Wasylak T, Weiler H, Wellington C, Williams M, Winkler J, Zemek R.
2022-2026: Co-Investigator. Maternal Disability and Child Preventive Health Care: Supporting Family-Centred Care. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Project Grant: Fall 2021 competition. Principal Investigator: Brown HK. Co-Investigators: Cohen E, Gemmill M, Guttmann A, Lunsky Y, Pituch E, Saunders N, Telner D, Vigod SN, Zwicker J.
2020-2023: Co-Investigator. Unlocking Communication for Children with High Communication & Motor Impairments: Decoding Emotions. Queen’s University, Wicked Ideas Funding Program. Principal Investigators: Fayed N, Davies C. Co-Investigators: Cohen E, Batorowicz B, Lach L, Zulkernine F.
2022-2023: Co-Applicant. Advancing Pandemic Capacity in Pediatric Care. Canadian Institutes of Health Research: Planning and Dissemination Grant – Institute Community Support. Principle Investigator: Nicholas D. Co-Applicants: Birnie K, Cohen E, Stinson J. Collaborators: Anthony S, Arnold P, Belletrutti M, Dimitropoulos G, Gruenwoldt E, Katz S, Mohair V, Noel M, Oberlander T, Rapoport A, Urschel S, West L, Zwaigenbaum L.
2022-2023: Co-Applicant. A Data-driven Approach to Identify High Priority Research Topics for Pediatric Hospital Care. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Project Grant – Patient-Oriented Research Early-Career Investigator Priority Area. Nominated Principal Applicant: Gill PJ. Principal Applicants: Li P, Mahant S, To T. Co-Applicants: 't Jong G, Baerg K, Bayliss A, Carwana M, Chen W, Cohen E, Cohn R, Constantin E, Drouin O, Forbes K, Holland J, Langrish K, Macarthur C, Moretti M, Newhook L, Parkin P, Pound C, Rahme E, Sakran M; Sehgal A, Taheri S, Vomiero G, Wahi G, Zemek R. Collaborators: Buchanan F, Dorais M, Green M, Hall M, Kanani R, Piedbouf B, Proulx MC, Strumpf E.
2022-2023: Co-Applicant. Hemoglobin A1c and adverse perinatal, child and maternal outcomes. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Project Grant – PA: Data Analysis Using Existing Databases and Cohorts. Principal Applicant: Ray J. Co-Applicants: Aoyama K, Berger H, Cheng A, Cohen E, Cook J, Harel Z.
2021-2022: Co-Investigator. Informing the pediatric mental health recovery plan: evaluating delays to diagnoses and changing characteristics of children and adolescents with new neurodevelopmental and mental health disorders in Ontario, Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Operating Grant: Understanding/mitigating impacts of COVID-19 on children, youth & families. Principal Investigators: Saunders NR, Moran K, Toulany A. Co-Investigators: Cohen E, Guttmann A, Kurdyak P, Moore Hepburn C, Penner M, Stukel T, Sundar P, Vigod S.
2018-2022: Co-Investigator. When Expertise Collides: Using Experienced-Based Co-Design to Enhance Care for Children with Medical Complexity in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Project Scheme Grant. (CIHR: 364440). Principal Investigators: Rennick JE, Vigneault K. Co-Investigators: Buchanan F, Carnevale F, Cohen E, Dryden-Palmer KD, Fontela PS, Law SK, Patel H, Razack SI, St-Sauveur I, Zhang X.
2021-2022: Co-Investigator. A data-driven approach to identify high priority research topics for pediatric hospital care in Ontario. PSI Foundation New Investigator Grant. Nominated Principal Investigator: Gill P. Principal Investigators: Mahant S, To T. Co-Investigators: Bayliss A, Chen W, Cohen E, Cohn R, Kanani R, Langrish K, Macarthur C, Moretti M, Parkin P, Pound C, Sakran M, Sehgal A, Taheri S, Wahi G, Buchanan F, Green M, Hall M, Murray S, Quinlan M. Collaborators: Hubbert J (Provincial Council for Maternal and Child Health), Robeson P (Children’s Healthcare Canada).