Rulan Parekh
Dr. Parekh is a Clinician at SickKids, University Health Network and University of Toronto with the expertise in longitudinal observational studies focusing on chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, and genetic or serological markers associated with complications of chronic disease. She has extensive experience with NIH and CIHR-funded studies using case-control or cohort designs to understand factors contributing to kidney disease and cardiovascular disease.
Dr. Parekh currently leads a number of prospective studies including longitudinal studies focused on end stage renal disease (FIND and PACE studies based at Johns Hopkins University); a study of childhood nephrotic syndrome (INSIGHT), and a paediatric transplant cohort study (PROTECT) to determine long-term risk. Internationally, Dr. Parekh leads studies in sub-Saharan Africa as a co-PI to understand the interaction of the biomarker-suPAR and APOL1 genetic risk with chronic kidney disease among HIV infected persons and also a co-investigator in H3 Africa Kidney Disease Research Network responsible for clinical phenotyping and leading the APOL1 analyses in those with chronic kidney disease.
Education and experience
Degrees, Diplomas, and Certifications
- 1985–1989: Royal College of Surgeons Dublin, Ireland
- 1989–1991: MD., Albany Medical College, Albany, New York, USA
- 1997–1999: MS, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI, USA Clinical Research Design and Biostatistics
- 1995: American Board of Internal Medicine
- 1995: American Board of Pediatrics
- 1999: American Board of Pediatrics, Subspecialty Pediatric Nephrology; Recertified 2006.
- 1999: American Board of Internal Medicine, Subspecialty Nephrology
Clinical training
- 1991–1995: University of Michigan Combined Internal Medicine and Ann Arbor, MI, USA Pediatric Internship and Residency
- 1995–1999: University of Michigan Combined Medicine and Pediatric Ann Arbor, MI, USA Nephrology Fellowships
Research training
- 1997–1999: University of Michigan Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Ann Arbor, MI, USA
- 1999: Johns Hopkins University Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Baltimore, MD, USA
- 2009: Inducted into the American Society of Clinical Investigation
- 2014: National Kidney Foundation of Maryland Award in recognition of outstanding scientific achievement
- 2014: C. Phillips Rance Nephrology Award of Merit
- 2016: Inducted into the American Pediatric Society
- 2016: American Nephrologists of Indian Origin (ANIO) Award for Clinical Excellence
- 2016: Associate Editor- Canadian Journal of American Society of Nephrology
- 2017: Canada Research Chair, Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology
- 2019: Department of Paediatrics, Denis Daneman Faculty Mentorship Award
- Host APOL1 genotype is independently associated with proteinuria in HIV infection. Kidney Int. 2013 May 29. (senior author)
- Association of Time-Varying Blood Pressure with Chronic Disease Progression in Children. JAMA Network Open. 2020;3(2):e1921213. (senior author)
- Prediction of Short-and Long-Term Outcomes in Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome. Kidney Int Rep. 2019 Dec 27;5(4):426-434. (senior author)
- Human Heredity and Health (H3) in Africa Kidney Disease Research Network: A Focus on Methods in Sub-Saharan Africa. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol, 10 (12), 2279-87 Dec 7 2015 (senior author)
- Prediction of short and long-term outcomes in childhood nephrotic syndrome. Kidney Int Rep. 2020 Apr;5(4):426-434.2019 Dec 27. (senior author)
2016–2020: NIH/NIDDK The H3Africa Kidney Disease Cohort Study
Principal Investigator (Akinlolu Ojo-University of Arizona)
Annual Direct Costs: $13, 515
Total: $2,228,214
2017–2022: Healthy Life Trajectories Initiative (HeLTI)
Principal Investigator: Dennis, Cindy-Lee
Total Direct Costs: $17,050,000
2017–2022: NIH/NHGRI
Grant number: 9U54DK116913-05 H3Africa Kidney Disease Research Network - Renewal
RFA #: RFA-RM-11-008 (Human Heredity and Health in Africa: Collaborative Center U54)
Principal Investigator: Akinlolu Ojo, University of Arizona, Dwomoa Adu, Ghana, Tunde Salako, Nigeria Co-Investigator/Lead for Project 3: INSIGHT-Africa
Annual Direct Costs: $781, 597
Total: $3,970,970.00
2017–2025: CIHR-Canada Research Chair
Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology
Total Direct Costs: $1,400,000 (salary award)
2018–2020: Kidney Foundation of Canada, Biomedical Research Grant
Patient Centred Outcomes in Childhood Onset Nephrotic Syndrome
Principal Investigator
Co-Applicants: Noone D, Chanchlani R, Filler G, Faber J, Paterson M, Lorenzo A
Total Direct: $99,994 CAD
2018–2021: NIH - awaiting notice of grant award
SuPAR and APOL1-CKD in Sub-Saharan Africa
Co-principal Investigator
Principal Investigator: Jochen Reiser, Rush University Medical Centre
Total Direct Costs: $272, 208. Funding given for 3 years with expected plan for submission of RO1 for 5 years
2020–2025: CIHR-Project Grant
PRECEDE: Preconception risk factors and Cardiometabolic health in Early childhood
Principal Investigator: Catherine Birken
Total Direct Costs: $1,147,500
2020–2026: CIHR-Project Grant
Kidney and blood pressure disease burden and monitoring for chronic kidney disease in childhood cancer survivors.
Principal Investigator: Michael Zappitelli
Total Direct Costs: $ 929,478